⚡️ Implement events streaming in Go with NATS JetStream

What is JetStream ? JetStream is the NATS company streaming solution. The JetStream server is built-in to nats-server and can be enabled with nats command options. You can find more informations about JetStream on the official documentation : https://docs.nats.io/nats-concepts/jetstream. Events streaming example To understand how to do events streaming with JetStream, we will use a fake Twitter app throughout the article. The two application endpoints that will interest us here are: POST /tweets POST /tweets/:id/likes The first one will create a new tweet and the second one permit to like a tweet. As an event streaming application, the POST /tweets will produce tweet_created events and the POST /tweets/:id/likes will produce tweet_liked events. ...

January 8, 2022 · 4 min · Matthieu Drouian

🖥 Monitoring a Node.JS Typescript application with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring consists of observing metrics of your application that will allow you to know its health condition. There are different observable metrics: resources consumption (CPU, memory, IO, …) network traffic business metrics (endpoint response time, requests errors, …) This post will be dedicated to setting up monitoring on a Node.JS application written in Typescript. We will set up the business metrics exposure in our application and then we will exploit them with Prometheus and Grafana. ...

December 28, 2021 · 6 min · Matthieu Drouian

🔥 express-chaos-middleware - A simple chaos testing lib for Node.JS Express applications

I just released a small library to put some troubles in my Node.JS Express applications. https://github.com/drouian-m/express-chaos-middleware ...

December 18, 2021 · 1 min · Matthieu Drouian

🦊 📦 How to manage NPM modules with GitLab Packages and semantic-release

GitLab offers a private NPM registry for each project with the GitLab Packages feature. We will see in this article how to use it to publish modules then how to automate the releases and the changelog generation on a project. ...

December 11, 2021 · 4 min · Matthieu Drouian