🧰 zsh-pkgmanager-switcher - A ZSH JavaScript package manager switcher plugin

If you work daily on JavaScript projects with various package manager configurations (npm, yarn, pnpm …) and you use a ZSH shell (with or without Oh my ZSH), I just released a ZSH plugin to switch the package manager. This module allows you to automatically load the right package manager by opening your project ...

October 25, 2023 · 1 min · Matthieu Drouian

How to use AI to migrate a legacy AngularJS app to VueJS without writing (a lot of) code

The JavaScript ecosystem has the particularity of being very versatile. Every year, we see new frameworks and new tools replacing those already in place. If, like me, you have JavaScript in production, you have probably experienced application rewrites for this reason. ...

October 14, 2023 · 10 min · Matthieu Drouian